Friday, November 16, 2012


The report is finished and Team Blue is getting ready for the presentation!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 1 at Kunstenniemi

Our morning started up with a meeting at SOS Lapsikylä in Kaarina. Where we got briefed about our task and got at better background information about SOS Lapsikylä organization. The meeting was really inspiring and we got a lot of new ideas that we will use at Kunstenniemi. 

After the meeting we drove to Kunstenniemi, where we first started with lunch. Then we had a little workshop and the idea was to get innovated and get to know everybody at Kunstenniemi. The workshop was fun and also inspiring :) 


Then everyone started to do their group assignments! 

When we started working with our task we first brainstormed and made mind maps, and here we still are working hard!

//Team Blue

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Emotional Intelligence

I've been reading this book called Tunne älysi - Älyä tunteesi by Mikael Saarinen (2001). It's a guidebook to developing your own and your work place's emotional intelligence. 

I have always thought that I have a quite good level of emotional intelligence but the book revealed that there are 15(!) different contenents to emotional intelligence (such as optimism, independancy, empathy etc...)So I guess also I have some introspectation to do. ;)

According to the book emotional intelligence is far more important than "regular" intelligence. I couldn't agree more! To succeed in life you have to listen and think about others, be empathic, kind, fair and so on. Because karma's a b**ch.

Emotional intelligence is also very important in our SOS-Lapsikylä-project because you have to be able to work with different kind of people. And do I even need to say that in charity emotional intelligence has a high role.

A good point in the book was that why do we ask (for example) our colleagues "why do you look so sad?/what's the matter?" when they are upset - instead of asking "why do you look so happy?" when they are doing well? :)

 - Tiina


Digital Marketing

In an era like this when one has to be, or indirectly are connected almost 24/7 to the internet to keep up with news, friends, interests, the best offers and daily stuff if one has the money to spend on a smartphone, tablets or lap-top that is. but how ever people are connected all the time to the internet, and it is there the companies should make the marketing.
Digital marketing is an important tool for companies to keep up with the growing internet useage and to get a better view how big an impact marketing can be and is done on the internet I read a book about it. Digitala Kampanjer, by Anders Häger Jönson who is a consult with a focus on the internet, popular culture and special target groups. 

In his book I got a better view on the digital marketing and he had a lot of interesting case studies concerning companies which had used mostly social media for different kinds of purpose. 



Is everyone ready to go? Is everyone inspired and ready for some hard work? You'd better be, because tomorrow it's time to head for Kunstenniemi!

Branding and communication

The second book I have been reading is about branding and how to communicate through brands on the social web. When it comes to branding and marketing, the social web is for sure a very important and efficient tool. It is also a cheap way to spread your message (if you are lucky and skilled enough to do it in the right way) and therefore something important to consider for charity organizations. The more money you have for charity, the better, right?

One important thing you have to think about when developing and communicating your brand is that you have to stand out. And in order to stand out you have to do something special that makes people notice you. Another important thing is that you have to keep your promises. It's all about what you are doing, not about what you say that you are doing. A brand can be defined as a person's gut feeling about you, your product, your organization, and if you don't live as you learn, that person might not give you another chance. So, think about that.

The book is called Nya tiders varumärken - varumärkesbyggande kommunikation på den sociala webben (written by Lena Carlsson). It provided me with many interesting and relevant ideas for our project - I'm sure many of them can be used in one way or another.

When talking about brand communication, one key to success is to make people feel engagement. The social medias which encourage interaction sure are good tools for this purpose - the question is how to make this happen. We will probably be struggling with the answer, or rather the answers, during the next few days to come.  


Guerilla Marketing

I have lately been surfing the web about guerrilla marketing and found some interesting websites and gotten, how to say it "more flesh on the bones" about the subject and the marketing strategy.

Guerrilla marketing is perfect for small companies, why? Because they might not have a too huge budget for marketing strategies and guerrilla marketing doesn't need a lot of money but instead a lot of creativity and innovation. How ever big companies use a lot of guerrilla marketing also but concerning our client, guerrilla marketing might be a good idea. 

Interesting websites and articles which have taken my interest are the following:


Jay Conrad Levinson the guru of Guerrilla Marketing

Look if you want some inspiration from 6 awesome guerrilla marketing campaigns

 check them out!


Monday, November 12, 2012


Today we had a meeting with the other group working for the same client as we are. We discussed the meeting with our client in Kaarina (which will take place on Wednesday morning before we go to Kunstenniemi) - our group and one person from the other group are going there. We have quite a few questions to ask the contact person from SOS Lapsikylä so it will be good to go there and meet them. After that meeting we will have plenty of hours to work on our project/task and it's going to be exiting. Both groups are motivated, enthusiastic and ready for some days of hard work!



I finished a while ago my first Inno-book, Lisa Sounio's Brändikäs (2010). Like you can guess by the title, book was about brands and branding.

According to the book brands should be outstanding and a brand which evokes passion equals a strong brand. So in my opinion SOS-Lapsikylä (and other charitable organizations) have strong brands because an important cause like charity arouses lots of feelings. You can often connect words like helping, children, good cause,donations etc to charitable organizations' brands.And they are all good and important words.:)

Sounio's book gave me lots of new info about branding with the help of few examples about Finland's most successful brands. I also liked that the book was readable and you could see the author's personal touch in the book which was refreshing. Lisa Sounio shares her own experiences in life/work - both good and bad (or should I say educational;)) which immediately makes her more likeable.
- Tiina

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reddcross "VS" SOS-lapsikylä - same good cause different ways?

After researching about site and comparing with website I first realized the language differences. While SOS-lapsikylä´s site is only written in Finnish, redcross is having several numbers of information in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Red cross also is also offering more (so far) other types of social media on their website such as youtube clips and news- articles relating to their cause.
A though that I can’t help speculating about is why redcross is so much more known and famous than SOS-lapsikylä? How have Redcross advertised itself so that even kids have heard about it? In what way do people see and know about redcross, how is lapsikylä s less famous? They both are gathering money for wonderful cause, is it only about that SOS- lapsikylä is having a more limiting cause than redcross why it’s like that I ask myself?

In the other book I've now been reading for this project is like the other book, talking about the power of social medias, like homepages and facebook.  But this book is also explaining how the companies attitude has change during the last years towards social medias, that they these days are communicating directly with their clients. And I started thinking that perhaps that’s a strategy also for charity work companies? In a way you are a client when you’re donating money for something. Why do people donate? Don’t people want to get confirmed of what they have been giving money to?
I do realize that it’s a huge challenge for me to only be objective and study about the “problem” without trying to some up with solution right away, at least until Kunstenniemi, so I’ll try to hold this idea of mine just as a thought, and then continue studying about the subjects that may help us to come up with even greater and better ideas! Besides, I also keep forgetting that we haven’t even got to know our REAL challenge yet! What an interesting project this is indeed.  Whole new way of dealing with innovation!
The book I’ve read is btw:  Marknadsförning i verkligheten – Henrik Uggla

Happy greeting from team member Minerva

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Our Inno58h Couch meeting

We had our first meeting with our Inno58h couch on Thursday. We talked about our feelings, ideas, blogs, teamwork, SOS Lapsikylä etc.. Actually, we talked about anything that popped into our minds! :)

Our couch was very encouraging and helpfull. She gave us great feedback and reassured us that we are on the right track. ;) Now we feel even more excited and confident about our project!



Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Summary of SOS Lapsikylä

To make it easier to communicate within our group we made a Facebook group, and invited all the group members. There we post everything relevant to Inno58H and share ideas, books and articles which we have read or going to read, and share over all information concerning Inno58H and our client, SOS Lapsikylä.

Tiina was so kind to make a summary, in English, of what it is that SOS Lapsikylä is doing and what their mission and values are. 


Guerilla marketing

During last week I got inspired by a book about Guerilla Marketing. The book, written by Stefan Ekberg, is called "Gerillaföretagaren", i.e. "The Guerilla Entrepreneur". Guerilla marketing is about how to promote your company (or whatever else you'd like to promote) using creativity and energy instead of money. 

I found plenty of new, interesting and inspiring ideas in the book, although some of them might be considered a bit too crazy (at least for me)... Two of the main points were that you should always be unique and always treat your client as an individual. Well, if I start writing about everything that I learned it will be too long for you to read. So instead, my advise is - READ IT!


Inno58h feelings

A few days ago the second Inno58h workshop took place and we finally find out more about our assignment, SOS Lapsikylä. All of my team mates were excited and ready to work. :) We arranged a meeting with our Inno58h "couch" and in about two hours Team Blue will be talking with her... Exciting!

I also went to the library in search of  a few books to read during Inno58h. But more about the books later when I have actually read them! :D

All is going fine this far and Team Blue is looking impatiently forward. :)
