In an era like this when one has to be, or indirectly are connected almost 24/7 to the internet to keep up with news, friends, interests, the best offers and daily stuff if one has the money to spend on a smartphone, tablets or lap-top that is. but how ever people are connected all the time to the internet, and it is there the companies should make the marketing.
Digital marketing is an important tool for companies to keep up with the growing internet useage and to get a better view how big an impact marketing can be and is done on the internet I read a book about it. Digitala Kampanjer, by Anders Häger Jönson who is a consult with a focus on the internet, popular culture and special target groups.
In his book I got a better view on the digital marketing and he had a lot of interesting case studies concerning companies which had used mostly social media for different kinds of purpose.
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